How full is your glass? Positivity is the key to happiness. Everyone knows the stupid, overused question that a teacher asks after they show a picture of a glass half filled with water. They look at you with a smile and ask “Is the glass half full or half empty?”. The reason I think the question is stupid is that I don’t think that either of those answers are correct. You may ask “How in the world is that possible? It is either half full, half empty, or both answers are correct.” Personally, I believe that the glass is full. The half of the glass without water in it is not empty, it is actually full of air. Therefore the glass is completely full of water, air, or whatever else happened to fall into the glass. Seeing the glass as full and not empty is often a metaphor for being a positive or optimistic person. Although I definitely see myself as an optimistic person, I think that there is more to the story. I try to approach every aspect of my life in a positive way, but the only re...
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